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Istana Rakyat in Putrajaya - MGG Pillai By web aNtu 18/1/2000 1:44 am Tue |
Now Istana Rakyat It Is In Putra Jaya
The Putra Jaya palatial official residence for the Prime Minister, named
Seri Perdana, built in stealth, out of parliamentary purview, by a
Petronas-led consortium, is as controversial as ever. When questioned
about it, after the deputy prime minister, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, was
sacked in September 1998, the Prime Minister denied all responsibility
for it, blaming it on He Who Must Be Destroyed At All Cost for its
grandiosity because it would soon be his residence. The cabinet, upset
when chicken prices are fixed without its consent, wanted no part in the
construction of Putra Jaya, and sleepwalked through it. The Prime
Minister's office insists it only cost RM17.6 million, which is what his
living quarters cost. But the fencing alone cost about RM12 million and
the extension about RM200 million more. The extravagance is evident
when you drive into Putra Jaya, with even the lampposts built to order
and with, I counted, twelve different designs (and I did not go through
all of Putra Jaya). With such concern for no-expense barred building,
the palace is huge in an administrative wasteland in grandeur with
Tughlak's capital outside Delhi he had to abandon for lack of water in
the 14th century. No one seeing it, even from a distance, would say it
is a modest six-bedroomed residence of a Prime Minister. It is ten
times as large as the Istana Negara, where the Yang Dipertuan Agong, the
head of state, resides. It is, if you accept the official spin, a
six-roomed modest residence but with a huge attached palace in spacious
grounds, built-in accommodation for a few hundred security detail, and
huge public facilities that only the prime minister can use.
Putra Jaya, land bought from what was Prang Besar Estate, was
designed as the new federal capital. Its positioning within the
Multimedia Super Corridor and near CyberJaya encouraged property
speculation to such heights that those working in Putra Jaya cannot
afford homes in the vicinty and have to commute either from Seremban or
Kuala Lumpur. When homes should have been built for the lower ranking
civil servants, the emphasis is on the higher end; as outright purchase
not as a perk of the job. Which means it creates pressures in two
decades or so when there would be no houses for them to stay in. In any
case, federal capital it would not be. The federal authorities presumed
its fiat ran in Selangor, which refused to alienate this land as Federal
Territory; the earlier transfer in 1973 of Kuala Lumpur is still a sore
point in Selangor. The government's refusal to come clean with what it
wanted -- Putra Jaya is built in secrecy, tenders awarded to satraps of
the administration, not by competitive bidding -- and as pressure grew,
it found itself tied in knots. There is nothing in Putra Jaya now than
the Prime Minister's Department, the Mosque and the Prime Minister's
Istana Rakyat. The ministers have their suite of offices in the Prime
Minister's Department and have no direct contact now with their
ministries, still in Kuala Lumpur. No provision is made for a palace
for the head of state, and the diplomatic corps would not move so long
as the head of state lives in Kuala Lumpur -- only three emba#sies,
including China, have agreed to site their emba#sies in Putra Jaya; the
European Community would have a representative office during normal
working hours. A strong suspicious exists within the diplomatic corps
that the pressure to move is to snap up the desirable diplomatic
properties for a song in exchange for bare expensive land in Putra Jaya
to construct their compounds from scratch.
The public is led to believe that He Who Must Be Destroyed At All
Cost in Sungei Buloh prison was so powerful that he could ride roughshod
over the cabinet and build what he wanted, even ordering the Prime
Minister to oversee its construction against his will. Suddenly, the
Prime Minister changes his tune yet again, at his Hari Raya Open House
on Saturday, to proclaim it an Istana Rakyat, a people's palace. That
he describes it as a palace makes moot his claims of a six-room
residence. Besides people's palaces elsewhere, usually in communist
countries, by definition, are lavish and outrageous to build and
maintain. Which accounts why mainstream newspapers do not inform the
people how the Istana Rakyat looks like. Besides, when the Prime
Minister strives to neutralise the sultans as a source of power, he
talks lovingly nd strangely of residing in a palace. If justification
there is for an official residence in Putra Jaya, it disappeared when it
became not the federal capital but an administrative capital. The
buildings, where construction has begun, are in varying state of
completion. A new frenzy of construction -- of the Treasury and other
related buildings -- is about to begin and promises to be even more
outrageously expensive than the three already completed. And ministers
like Datin Rafidah Aziz grumble that her international trade and
industry ministry is taking its own time to complete. As more
information surfaces, the more it looks like Tughlak's Delhi.
All this sanctifies the make-believe world he moves in. Fifty
thousand thronged Putra Jaya -- according to him, to thank him for
winning the elections, see the new palace, and, incidentally, wish him
the seasons' greetings -- and only 20,000 at the PWTC in Kuala Lumpur to
greet the deputy prime minister, Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. That
makes him 2-1/2 times more reasons why he should continue in office
until the next elections; his deputy is too new to hold the reins, and
needs to be hand-held through until the next elections. He tries every
rule in the book to be returned unopposed as UMNO president in May. But
UMNO does not see why the vacant deputy presidency be given on a platter
to Dato' Seri Abdullah. His pious claim that UMNO could not stand a
fractious party election is ingenious: if a 53-year-old party, in
office for 42 years, would be split because the leadership is
challenged, then it has no right to be in office. UMNO's current
difficulties stem from a refusal to encourage open elections, especially
after the Prime Minister was challenged twice for the UMNO presidency.
This breeds not renewed strength but complacency and arrogance,
acquiring so much flab that the threat of a challenge frightens the
leaders into dissarray. Which he personified at the Hari Raya Open
House. The Istana Rakyat becomes his prison as Sungei Buloh is Dato'
Seri Anwar's. This alone makes it incumbent he returns to the UMNO
presidency unopposed. Meanwhile, would the Prime Minister now take the
people into his confidence and tell them what "their" palace cost?
M.G.G. Pillai |