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Official cars - Fed follow Trg - MGG Pillai By web aNtu 24/12/1999 6:14 am Fri |
Official Cars: Federal Government Follows Trengganu's Lead
This new found enthusiasm is puzzling until you look closer. The
national car has been around for more about 15 years, but the federal
government until now would not make it compulsory for cabinet ministers
and senior government officials to have the Proton as their official
cars. When judges were given Protons on appointment, one would not be
seen dead in it, preferring to use his personal Mercedes instead. No
cabinet minister has thought it, until now, in the national interest or
supporting local industry to demand a Proton Perdana instead of a
Mercedes S series car. The federal authorities insisted upon imported
cars because it is a nice line of business for a Mr Robert Tan, a
business a#sociate of the finance minister, and a member of the Bin
Mahathir clan; they have the lucrative contract to provide these cars
for official use. They concentrate on foreign cars, and this insistence
on Proton Perdanas would cut into their balance sheets.
But the government really had no choice. The new Trengganu state
administration decided that its state executive councillors and senior
government officials would have Proton Perdanas, not the BMWs the
outgoing administration insisted befitted their status. Suddenly, the
new mentri besar of Perak, Dato' Seri Tajol Rosli Ghazali, follows suit.
The other states would have to. Suddenly, official extravagance is a
political issue. The federal government has couched its order in
nationalistic terms. But for the first time since the Proton came on
the streets, one can see it used as a vehicle of preference. Though
that not one UMNO member is quoted at this change does suggest that the
move is resented in some quarters. I now await to see the works
ministers, Dato' Seri S. Samy Vellu, travel in a Proton Perdana, his
wife trailing in a grander Mercedes S Cla#s. No doubt the Road
Transport Department would allow him his favourite "1818" number plate.
The National Front, despite its huge parliamentary majority, has
lost its edge in the current parliament. The intensity of debate, even
on the propriety of holding cabinet meetings when parliament is in
session, underlines the fine-tuning it must do to seize the initiative.
The foreign minister is forced to explain his meeting with the Israel
foreign minister, which insists was an accidental meeting as it was that
he had a letter from the Prime Minister to the Israel Prime Minister in
his briefcase at the time. The Prime Minister and his administration
came out second best in the opening debate, the doubts about the
legality of the Parliament sitting, and the debate on Israel, suggests
that the opposition forces the primacy of Parliament in governance. When
the government is under opposition pressure on matters of policy and
propriety, it cannot afford to be caught short on such a simple matter
as the official car. It now has to give more than lip service to the
Proton car. The government is shaken so badly that it would move swiftly to be
seen as representatives of the people. No more would there be this
arrogant insistence that having elected them into power, the people
should shut up and let it carry on with its work. The Opposition
Leader, Dato' Fadhil Noor, and his band of MPs challenges that
a#sumption. So long as the government was Malay and the Opposition
Chinese, the government could ride roughshod. With a Malay opposition
leader, that is no longer possible. Besides, it is caught in a
conundrum as far as the PAS administration in Trengganu is concerned.
One senior cabinet minister insists it has the most carefully-thought
out state executive councillor in the country today, each appointed for
their specific skills. Unlike Selangor, which has appointed a security
guard on to the state executive council -- after his candidacy got UMNO
angry. The National Front has, I am afraid, much to learn.
M.G.G. Pillai Link Reference : Proxy List Dec 1999 |