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ASIAWEEK update - Trg By web aNtu 8/12/1999 11:47 pm Wed |
Malaysia's Pandora's Box State December 7, 1999 Malaysia's elections are over. Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, who celebrates his
74th birthday this week, gets to keep the post he has held for 18 years
for another five. Why then is the stock market in Kuala Lumpur so
jittery? During every election there is a pre-election rally in
anticipation of a big government victory. There is almost always an
even bigger post-election rally, celebrating the government's return to
power. This year, despite the highly significant
two-thirds-of-Parliament win by Mahathir's Barisan Nasional coalition,
there was no rally. Indeed, since the results were announced the market
has only gone one way -- south. To find the reason, you need only to look at Trengganu, the east coast
state on the Malaysian peninsula that fell to the opposition Parti Islam
SeMalaysia (Pas). The government's spinmeisters are playing down the
loss, saying the state had been briefly controlled by the opposition
before. But that was before Trengganu became a huge exporter of oil and
gas, before it became the site for a huge petrochemical complex and
Malaysia's largest steel plant. Fundamentalist Pas also controls neighboring Kelantan state, as it had
before the recent polls. Kelantan continues to vote for the opposition
because it is poor -- in fact, it is the poorest state in the country.
Kelantan's fortunes would never move the stock market. But Trengganu is
different. It is one of the richest of resource-rich states in the
Malaysian federation. (Yes, Malaysia is a federation of states -- more
like U.S. than a monolith country like France or Japan.)
Trengganu's offshore area contains about 64% of Malaysia's proven oil
reserves, estimated at 3.9 billion barrels, and 40% of its proven gas
reserves, estimated at 86.9 trillion cubic feet. The state produces
about 300,000 barrels of oil a day, earning a 5% royalty on every
barrel. Last year, that amounted to $180 million in oil royalties. Add
in revenues from gas and from the petrochemical industry, and you have a
state that is quite well off -- even before it starts to collect a
single penny of taxes or tolls. Last year, when oil prices were between
$10 and $12 a barrel, Trengganu's total revenues from oil and gas were
about $250 million. Now oil is $27 a barrel, and gas and petrochemical
prices normally rise in tandem with oil. So if oil prices remain where
they are, Trengganu's government could be fetching $700 million in
royalties alone. a#suming the royalties stay at 5% of total oil
production. Under a 1974 agreement with the Malaysian federal government, states get
just 5% royalties. Trengganu's new Pas government says that's
ridiculous. Its leaders have been telling foreign journalists that they
want their state to get a fair share of the resources. That would be
about 20%. Provincial or state governments around the world get anything
from 10% to 20%, they say. Why should Trengganu get just 5%? A four-fold
increase in revenues at today's prices would mean the Trennganu
government could collect $ 2.8 billion in royalties. That's before the
taps are turned on full blast. (Although Malaysia isn't a member of
OPEC, it has curtailed its own oil production in sympathy with OPEC's
recent slowdown.) If Iraq supplies remain suspended and there is cold
winter in Europe and North America, swing producers like Malaysia have
the luxury of turning their output up just a little to get extra money
without actually flooding the market with a lot of oil.
In Kuala Lumpur, government officials are pooh-poohing the propects for
a battle over oil royalties, saying Pas's mullahs don't understand
business or contract law. Not quite. At least two Pas candidates in the
recent general elections were ex-CEOs of medium-sized listed companies
in Kuala Lumpur, with U.S. degrees -- MBAs to boot. Indeed, Pas leaders
tell me they have employed lawyers over the years to look at things like
Trengganu's oil contract. They say that the contract was signed under
duress by a previous state government without consulting the people.
Pas, which won over 60% of the popular votes, now has a two-thirds
majority in the Trengganu state a#sembly. If it held a referendum
tomorrow on the oil-royalties issue even Mahathir's supporters would
vote for it. Trengganu, say PAS leaders, isn't asking for autonomy or
secession, but just for its fair share of oil and gas revenues.
Another issue: contracts for oil and gas support services. Because oil
is extracted by the national oil company, Petronas, supplier contracts
for everything from offshore logistics to building rigs are farmed out
mainly to people with connections. PAS says these people are cronies of
UMNO leaders and wants the contracts to be awarded to local Trengganu
people through open-tender process instead.
Then there is the tourist industry. Trengganu's famed hotels and beach
resorts are owned mainly by non-Trengganu people -- many of them
businessmen with close links to UMNO. Pas is not keen on renewing
licenses of several resort operators, and at least two listed companies
that own hotels or resorts have seen their shares beaten down. Pas has
already banned gambling, alcohol and betting centers. That's bad for
Malaysian lottery companies, whose stocks have also been plummeting.
But it's still Trengganu's potential oil and gas demands that could open
a pandora's box. If Trengganu gets a 20% royalty or even 10%, other
Malaysian states, like Sabah and Sarawak which also have oil and gas,
will start demanding more -- making Malaysia's budget deficit worse and
delaying the country's recovery process.
A week ago, most pundits said a convincing victory by Mahathir at the
polls would do away with political risk in Malaysia and spur the Kuala
Lumpur stock market to new heights. It has actually made matters worse.
As the Trengganu saga unfolds, domestic and foreign investors may take
to the trenches.