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TJ Murtad dan Aqidah Antik UMNO
By Kapal Berita

20/10/2000 8:08 pm Fri

TJ Ringkas:

Enakmen murtad yang diluluskan oleh DUN Perlis adalah seperti undang2 "khalwat" UMNO. Ia adalah cara UMNO mengabui Syariah untuk memperlekehkan Islam. Islam hanyalah nama tetapi hipokrisi itulah permainan mereka.

Nilai2 Islam, ala-UMNO, hanyalah menambahkan gejala korup dan kejadian tidak bermoral dinegara ini. Jika khalwat itu di di implimentasikan dengan ikhlas, hampir semua pemipin umno, dari MB kepada ADUN, dari Menteri Kabinet kepada MP, akan mendapati diri mereka berakhir di mahkamah Syariah. Sebaliknya apa yang berlaku kita dikejutkan sengan senario pasangan yang sudah berkahwin secara sah dengan beberapa anak cucu ditahan dilokap kerana tidak membawa sijil perkahwinan mereka yang sudah terlupa.

MB Perlis sendiri, Shahidan Kassim, mungkin menjadi orang pertama yang menjadi mangsa Enakment Murtad Perlis, jika ia dilaksanakan. Di Iran, penganut Bahaisma dibunuh kerana murtad. Shahidan tidak pernah menafikan beliau adalah orang yang bersimpati dengan Bahai, Malah sokongan beliau kepada Bahaisma itu memungkinkan beliau dihantar ke Pusat Pembetulan Ugama sebagaimana yang tercatit dalam Enakmen tersebut.

Isu murtad adalah perkara yang berlainan. Mereka yang simpati atau 'liberal' yang melindungi si murtad atas alasan ugama tidak mengerti. Ia bukan masalah kepercayaan. Ia bukannya untuk melindungi Islam - kerana Islam tidak memerlukan perlindungan - dan PAS mewacanakan ia sebagai jenayah berat tidak lain tidak bukan untuk menjaga keharmonian antara pelabgai fahaman ugama.

Tidak ada yang lebih memalukan utk satu keluarga muslim selain mendapati salah seorang ahli keluarga mereka menjadi murtad. Si murtad itu bagai seorang berkusta dan seluruh ahli keluarga dipandang sebagai berkusta. Inilah realiti sosio dan sikologi yang skar dijelaskan. Tiada muslim yang boleh mempercayai seseorang itu sanggup keluar dari Islam kerana kurang keyakinan. Ini adalah tersangat benar. Jika seseorang itu meninggalkan Isla,. selalunya untuk berkahwin atau dia sudah tidak mahu berugama dan bermoral lagi.

Si murtad tidal sensitif kepada perasaan malu dan derita yang terpaksa ditanggung oleh ahli keluarganya. Dan kepahitan itu nanti akan menimbulkan ketegangan antara masyarakat. Bila seorang Kristian menganut Islam, misalnya, dia menjadi seorang yang lebih "kristian" kerana dia tidak menolak Nabi Isa (as), tetapi bila seorang muslim meninggalkan Islam, dia telah menolak kenabian Muhammad (saw). Ini menerangkan perbedaan perasaan bila murtad berlaku.

Memang benar tidak dinyatakan dalam al Quran menyuruh untuk membunuh si murtad tetapi ia termaktub di dalam syariah dalam beberapa situasi tertentu. Kaum Yahudi diperingkat awal Islam telah mempermainkan ajaran Islam untuk memperlekehkannya. Mereka islam sebelah pagi dan murtad bila petangnya pula. Kini taktik yang sebegini masih dan telah digunakan hingga ke hari ini.

Dalam negara kita gejala seperti ini akan menimbulkan kesan yang amat dahsyat. Jika inilah yang dimaksudkan dengan kebebasan berugama kita hanyalah akan mengundang kecelakaan sosial.

Kematian adalah hukuman yang wajar untuk sesiapa yang mempermainkan ugama - malah sebarang ugama. Ugama bukanlah umpama "selipar lama" yang boleh dipakai dan dibuang seikut suka.

Selebihnya tidak diterjemah....


FROM HARAKAH PRINT EDITION - October 16-31, 2000

Apostasy and UMNO's aqidah antics

by PKK

The Faith Protection Bill just passed by the Perlis State Assembly, like UMNO's 'khalwat' laws, is UMNO's way of circumventing Islamic Shari'ah and ridiculing Islam. Islam is the name but hypocrisy is the game.

Injecting Islamic values, UMNO style, has only increased corruption and immorality in the country. If the khalwat laws has been honestly implemented, practically every UMNO politician, from the Menteri Besar to the State assemblyman, from the federal minister to UMNO MP would have found himself at one time or another in the Shari'ah court. Instead we have the strange scenario of legally married couple with grand children being locked up for committing khalwat for not carrying - like an amulet around their waist - the marriage certificate which they have long forgotten.

The Perlis MB Shahidan Kassim himself would be the first victim of Perlis Faith Protection Bill, if it ever comes into force. While Bahais were being executed in Iran as apostates, Shahidan put at their disposal, few years ago, the entire state apparatus and openly showed his sympathy for the Bahais. He has never denied that he was a sympathiser of the Bahais. His unabashed patronising of a sect which was originally a deviant group challenging the Muslim fundamental belief in the finality of the Prophethood is in itself a reason for him to be sent to the Faith Correction Centre as provided in the Bill.

However the issue of apostasy is a different matter in Islam. Those apologists and 'liberals' who defend apostates on the ground of freedom of religion are missing the point. It is not simply a matter of belief. It is not to protect Islam - Islam needs nobody's protection - that PAS wants apostasy to be made a serious crime but to protect the present harmony and goodwill between the different religious groups in this country.

There is nothing more shameful for a Muslim family than to have an apostate among them. An apostate is like a leper and the whole family will be treated like lepers. This is a sociological and a psychological reality which is difficult to explain. No Muslim can believe that any one would leave Islam out of religious conviction. This is invariably true. If anyone leaves Islam, it must be either to marry a non-Muslim, or he or she could not bother about religion and old fashioned morality.

The apostate is insensitive to the shame and pain he brings on the family and the consequent bitterness his action might create between communities. When a Christian converts to Islam, for example, he only becomes a better Christian for he does not reject Jesus (peace be upon him), whereas when a Muslim leaves Islam, he is making positive rejection of the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him). This explains the difference in feelings about apostates among Muslims and non-Muslims.

It is true that there is nothing in the Qur'an commanding an apostate to be put to death but it was prescribed in the Shari'ah to contain certain special circumstances. During the early period of Islam in Madinah, Jews adopted a peculiar way to scorn Islam: some of them would accept Islam in the morning only to reject it in the evening to cast doubt on the character of the Prophet and the revelation he received. This deliberate plot had to be nipped in the bud and such murtads (apostates) were harshly dealt with. The same tactic has been, and still is being, used by the enemies of Islam ever since.

In a country like ours, this could have a devastating effect; and if this is naively accepted in the name of freedom of religion we are inviting terrible social chaos.

Death is the fitting punishment for anyone trivialising religion - any religion. Religion is not to be treated like an old slipper, to cast aside when worn out. Those 'liberals' and apologists who plead the case of those 'poor' unfortunate souls who 'converted' for marriage should realise that those who forsake their religion for another for money or marriage are absolutely depraved.

Religion is not to be trifled with. It is the innermost being of a man. For Muslims religion is still sacred - inspite of the fact that so much materialistic thought has penetrated a small depraved section of Muslim community. Religious freedom must also include freedom to retain one's religion and therefore nobody should be forced to convert against his/her conscience, for example, to get married a person of another religion.

Thus Islam's insistence of not allowing intermarriage, if taken to its logical end, is against the freedom of religion these apologists and 'liberals' are fighting for. Are they ready to challenge this Islamic injunction? If they are not, for obvious reasons, then they should just hide their hypocrisy and stop mocking and trivialising religion by suggesting that religion should have no role in public life. [PKK]