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Ceramah makan, ASJ, Statistik PTI, Pusrawi dll
By Kapal Berita

7/10/2000 9:40 am Sat


October 03 , 2000 Malam

Sumber: (Terjemah ala kadar sambil komen tambah)

Seperti biasa perjumpaan dengan PM ada satu jamuan makan untuk ditelan percuma. Tetamu yang dijemput tentulah "segan" hendak menolak jemputan nanti dikatakan tidak "diplomatik" pula.

Semasa sesi soal-jawab, seorang yang fasih berbahasa mengemukakan persoalan bahawa Mahathirlah punca orang Islam berpecah kerana menghukum Anwar walaupun itu jelas bercanggah di sisi syariah. Malah beliau sendiri gagal untuk hadir kemahkamah mengemukan bukti yang dia kononnya tahu serba serbi hasil siasatan sendiri.

Hebatkah jamuan ini sebenarnya? Tidak juga, sebab 100 orang sahaja yang datang - itupun berjemput dengan "kad"?. Cuba periksa ada tak media kroni keparat itu lapurkan bilangan ini? Jangan-jangan pinggan yang lebih dari tuan??


Malaysian Malays, who are almost all Muslims, have been split following the sacking, arrest and torture of popular leader Anwar Ibrahim after a fall-out with prime minister Mahathir Mohamad in September 1998.

Anwar's jailing sparked the call for "reformasi" and demonstrations in Kuala Lumpur that lasted several weeks. A sharp decline of Malay-Muslim support was further reflected in the November 1999 general election, when UMNO lost almost all seats where Malays were the overwhelming majorities.

Since then, Mahathir has lamented that Malays were becoming "extreme" and "ungrateful". As recently as last week, Mahathir, in a speech organised by a little known Muslim group in the United Kingdom, lambasted "educated Malays" for being "obsessed with martyrdom". At the closed-door function, Mahathir also disagreed to a suggestion from a British Muslim who suggested that he was responsible "for Muslim disunity" in Malaysia.

Tj prenggan akhir :

Mahathir menuduh orang Islam lemah kerana berpecah belah... Beliau kesal orang melayu menjadi "ekstrim" dan tidak "berterimakasih". Minggu lepas, semasa memberi ceramah anjuran satu badan yg kurang dikenali di UK, beliau membidas "cendiakawan melayu" kerana terlalu "taksub kepada syahid". Dalam majlis tertutup, Mahathir tidak bersetuju kepada satu soalan dari seorang muslim british bahawa Mahathirlah punca "muslim berpecah" di Malaysia.

Komen: Tertutup berani, tetapi kalau terbuka tentu takut. Worse case, ceramah panjang-panjang, dan kemudian baru bagi sesi soal jawab - yang pendek - supaya penonton (yang memang sudah lapar dan gian - maklum sajalah bau makanan itu sudah menghilangkan konsentrasi mendengar).


Sumber: PRM Hasan Karim

Punyalah kesian 125,000 orang telah membeli saham ASJ yang dikatakan boleh mencecah RM5 jika disimpan dari RM1.

Kini Perbadanan Johor berhutang RM0.5 billion pada 1 Ogos lalu - ini di akui sendiri oleh Ghani Othman. KPRJ pula berhutang RM429 juta pada Disember lalu.

Sekarang RM1 itu sudah jadi 27 sen sahaja. Seperti biasa yang songlap dan yang korup hilang begitu sahaja. Yang tinggal surat tuntutan dari bank - Bayar!

October 04 , 2000 16:38PM

Kerajaan Terengganu menukar klasifikasi tiga dokumen perjanjian mengikut kuasa MB. Ini untuk membnolehkan rakyat mengetahui siapakah yang yang memungkiri serta mengkhianat janji.

  1. Surat acara di bawah Seksyen 2(2) Akta Kemajuan Petroleum 1974 yang ditandatangani oleh Menteri Besar Negeri Terengganu dan Petronas pada 22 Mac 1975 di Kuala Terengganu.

  2. Perjanjian bertarikh 22 Mac 1975 di bawah Seksyen 4 Akta Kemajuan Petroleum 1974 yang ditandatangani oleh Menteri Besar Negeri Terengganu dan Petronas; dan

  3. Perjanjian melalui surat bertarikh 16 September 1987 yang ditandatangani oleh Pengerusi Petronas dan Menteri besar Negeri Terengganu.


    From Agenda Malaysia 5th October 2000

    Mentri Trans-imigrasi dan Penduduk Indonesia, Al Hilal Hamdi berpendapat kehadiran ramai pendatang tanpa izin di Malaysia adalah kerana mereka digalakkan datang oleh majikan mereka di Malaysia.

    Ada Izin

    140,000 Rakyat Filipina
    600,000 Rakyat Indonesia

    Tanpa Izin

    600,000 Rakyat Filipina
    500,000 Rakyat Indonesia

    Is Malaysia really facing an acute labour shortage? Yes, say employers. No, say trade unions. Yes and no, say academicians. Is it that we don't have labour or that we don't have cheap labour? asks a recent paper prepared by Universiti Malaya's Population Studies Program. Foreign workers are even displacing locals in the factories and not just the flea markets.

    The Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC) believes that locals are simply kept away by low wages. Says MTUC chief Zainal Rampak, The workers are there but do not wish to work for such wages. Employers then say they have a labour shortage. The labour market is tight because of the growing opportunities. But some people, especially women, are not working because it's not worthwhile.

    Authorities can have no exact figures on the number of PTI currently in Malaysia. Police estimates put the figure at 600,000 Filipino illegals in Sabah, while other conservative estimates put the number of Indonesian illegals at 500,000 in Peninsular Malaysia alone; with a total of between one and two million illegals in the whole country. Official figures for last year show 600,000 Indonesians and 140,000 Filipinos as legally registered workers in Malaysia. The benefits of regularising illegals are mainly the savings in costs of enforcement, detention and repatriation.


    Menurut Hamid Othman - belum ada model sesuai untuk dijadikan panduan undang-undang bagi kes murtad kerana tidak ada negara dalam dunia ini yang ada undang-undang tersebut. Betul ke? Tak percaya saya mendengarnya! Tapi kalau undang-undang Islam yang sesuai dengan Mahathir memang tak ada punya!

    Mahathir pula mengatakan kajian perlu dibuat terlebih dahulu.

    Mengikut Hamid, kerajaan hendak membina Pusat Rawatan Islam di Jalan Tun Razak, tetapi ia dinamakan Pusrawi. Katanya kerana tidak ingin orang Islam dan bukan Islam tidak teringin untuk berkhidmat atau merawat disana. (Apalah takut sangat nama Islam ni?)


    KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 5 (Bernama) -- Drafting a proposed legislation to rehabilitate deviant Muslims in the country is bound to be a long-drawn exercise in the absence of existing models, said Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Paduka Dr Abdul Hamid Othman.

    Based on even the latest feedback gathered from foreign Islamic affairs ministers who were here last week for the inaugural conference on Haj guidance, no nation in the world has such laws yet which Malaysia could adopt and adapt.

    He said:"Their countries too have yet to enact laws specifically relating to the matter.What they do have are only counselling, missionary and educational activities."

    Abdul Hamid was speaking to reporters who approached him on the proposed legislation after presenting excellent service awards to Federal Territory Islamic Affairs Council staff here today.

    Last Saturday Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad reportedly said thorough study was required first before any legislation aimed at rehabilitating Muslims who have strayed from their faith were to be drawn up and enforced.

    Abdul Hamid said the time was still not suitable yet to implement such legislation.

    "We're reviewing this proposal and looking for an ideal and matured approach to dealing with Muslims who have strayed from their faith," he said.

    Abdul Hamid also disclosed that a modern general hospital which the council planned to build in Jalan Tun Razak here will be named Hospital Pusrawi, short for Pusat Rawatan Islam (Islamic treatment centre).

    "We'll try not to name it Hospital Islam and prefer Pusrawi instead so that Muslims and non-Muslims alike can either seek treatment or work at this hospital," he said.

    It would offer, among other things, maternity services,surgery and normal medical treatment, except specialist care which would require costlier operating expenditure, he said.

    The council will also erect a 103-room three-star hotel next to the proposed hospital to cater for visiting family members of patients.

    The ground-breaking for both the hospital and hotel -- located opposite the National Heart Institute and adjacent to the National Library here -- will be held on Monday.

    Work on both complexes would take 18 months to complete.

    Abdul Hamid assured the public that the hospital was not out to make money and that its charges would be moderate.

    At today's function, he presented excellent service awards to 50 council staffers, including three who attained diagonal salary movements under the matrix system, namely Mohamed Nizam Yahaya, Nurul Aini Yahya and Muzafar Arshad.

    The trio each received as rewards, one month's salary and premium saving certificates worth RM300, among other things.

    -- BERNAMA