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Hujah Tun Salleh Abas - Royalti dan salam dijawab.
By Mind Prober

14/9/2000 5:45 am Thu

'Wa 'alaikum salam wrbth.

Saya menjawab salam ini, sebagai membantu PW. Beliau menjawab - tapi bukan di skrin ini....

Ada berita sedikit:

Berikut adalah petikan ucapan Tun Salleh Abas di sidang DUN Terengganu. (di petik dari media kroni NST 13/9/00)

Terjemahan: (maaf jika tersasul)

Mengikut Tun Salleh Abas, Perjanjian Petronas dan Kerajaan Negeri adalah muktamad.

Ada Empat Ordinan bersabit:

  • the Continental Shelf Act 1966,
  • Petroleum Mining Act 1966
  • Petroleum Development Act 1974 and
  • the Emergency Ordinance 1969 (Emergency Essential Powers Ordinance)

    di mana kesemuanya telah menerangkan hak Terengganu kepada royalti.

    "Kerajaan Persekutuan hanyalah Pemegang Amanah. Ungkapan tanah darat (onshore) dan tanah laut (off shore) telah dinyatakan dengan jelasnya bahawa perkara2 berkaitan tanah adalah hak kerajaan negeri."

    "Oleh yang demikian, royalti hendaklah dibayar kepada tuan-punya tanah tersebut oleh orang yang menggunakan atau melombong - dalam hal ini Petronas, dan ini adalah tuntuan undang2 dan hak pihak2 di dalam kontrek."

    "Bayaran khas adalah tidak mandatori. Ia boleh dibayar mengikut kebijaksanaan (siasah) dan ianya adalah harus. Ia boleh dibayar jika dan bila mereka suka. Ia bukannya kewajipan."

    Yang lain2 saya kira tak perlu terjemah....

    Tun Salleh Abas (Pas-Jertih) later explained the legal aspects of the agreement between Petronas and the State Government, and said it was binding.

    He said there were four Ordinances _ the Continental Shelf Act 1966, Petroleum Mining Act 1966, Petroleum Development Act 1974 and the Emergency Ordinance 1969 (Emergency Essential Powers Ordinance) _ which clearly explained the rights of Terengganu to the royalty.

    "The Federal Government is only a trustee. Onshore and offshore land spelt out in the Continental Shelf Act clearly shows that land matters are the State's right.

    "As such, royalty should be paid to the landowner by those who use or mine the land, in this case, Petronas, and it is a legal obligation and the rights of the parties in contract.

    "The special payment is not mandatory. It can be paid through discretion and it is optional. It can be paid if and when they like. It is not a responsibility," he added.

    Abdul Hadi, in summing up the debate, said the Federal Government tak reti bahasa (doesn't understand language) because the word ihsan was not similar to the meaning of "royalty".

    "The action is against the spirit of democracy and Federalism. It can also be interpreted as interfering in the State Government's affairs.

    "I don't see any legal basis for the State Government to deserve such treatment by the Federal Government. We only want to realise our struggles in accordance with Islam.

    "If we are required to submit a report on a monthly basis on how the money is spent, we are prepared to do it, but this is not required by the National Audit which only wants a yearly report," he said.