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Fwd: Ucapan Anti islam Mahathir
By web aNtu

6/8/2000 6:43 pm Sun

Mahathir?s Anti-Islam Speeches Through The Ages

Dato Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad claims to be a leader of the Muslim world. Dr Mahathir has made many a speech in the Middle East countries - which have impressed his Muslim audience, and whom regard Dr Mahathir as a prominent Muslim leader because of it.

However, Dr Mahathir says one thing in front of one audience, and the opposite in front of another.

As far as Islam is concerned, a Muslim who claims to be a true Muslim in front of Muslims, and then ?knocks? Islam in front of non-Muslims, is called a Munafik. The Prophet Muhamad SAW has declared a Munafik as the greatest enemy of Islam.

Let me quote some of Dr Mahathir?s statements and comments made through the ages. I also throw in some statements and comments of a few other UMNO leaders, some of who go by the label of ?Ulamak? (religious leader).

Comment 1
?Apabila hukum rejam batu sampai mati kepada penzina dan potong tangan kepada pencuri, nescaya ramailah rakyat Islam yang mati dan kudung tangan. Ini sangat memalukan ummat Islam, kerana orang bukan Islam akan sempurna sifatnya dan boleh meneruskan kerja?. ( Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, temubualnya dengan media ma#sa, 14 Julai 1992)

English Translation
?When (Islam?s Quranic) laws of stoning to death for adulterers (adulteresses) and cutting of the hands of thieves (is implemented), for sure many Muslims will die and have no limbs. This is a great embarra#sment to Muslims because non-Muslims will be perfect (with limbs) and can continue with their work?. (Dr Mahathir Mohamad during his press interview on 14 July 1992)

Comment 2
?Pada pendapat saya, undang-undang Islam tidak sesuai dilaksanakan di Malaysia sekarang. Lebih baiklah undang-undang yang ada dikekalkan?.
(Sulaiman Daud, temubualnya dengan media ma#sa, 20 Ogos 1993)

English Translation
?My opinion is, Islamic laws are currently not suitable for implementation in Malaysia. It is better that existing laws are retained?.
(Sulaiman Daud, Minister of Education, during his press interview on 20 August 1993)

Comment 3
?Saya cabar Kelantan laksana hukum hudud di depan orang bukan Islam?.
(Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, ucapannya di Pusat Bahasa Nilam Puri, Kelantan, 3 Mac 1994)

English Translation
?I challenge Kelantan (state government) to implement Hudud (Islamic) laws in front of the non-Muslims?. (Dr Mahathir Mohamad in his speech at the Language Centre of Nilam Puri, Kelantan, on 3 March 1993).

Comment 4
?Hudud tidak boleh dilaksanakan kerana sukar mendapat saksi yang tidak fasik?.
(Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, ucapannya di Pusat Bahasa Nilam Puri, Kelantan, 3 Mac 1994)

English Translation
?Hudud (Islamic laws) cannot be implemented because it is difficult to find witnesses who have not sinned (Islamic requires witnesses who are virtuous and non-sinners)?.
(Dr Mahathir Mohamad in his speech at the Language Centre of Nilam Puri, Kelantan, on 3 March 1993).

Comment 5
?Al-Quran perlu ditafsirkan semula untuk disesuaikan dengan keadaan masa kini?.
(Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, ucapannya di Pasir Mas, 14 Ogos 1994)

English Translation
?The Quran needs to be reinterpreted to suit the current situation?. (Dr Mahathir Mohamad in his speech at Pasir Mas, Kelantan, on 14 August 1994)

Comment 6
?Saya akan mempastikan bahawa negeri-negeri yang diperintah oleh Barisan Nasional tidak akan melaksanakan hukum hudud?. (Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, temubualnya dengan media ma#sa selepas sidang Majlis Tertinggi Umno, 1994)

English Translation
?I will ensure that the state (governments) ruled by the Barisan Nasional will not implement Hudud (Islamic) laws?. (Dr Mahathir Mohamad during his press interview after the UMNO Supreme Council meeting in 1994).

Comment 7
?Kerja yang paling sesuai bagi Tok Guru (ulama') ialah mengajar, bukan mentadbir?.
(Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, ucapannya di Pasir Mas, Kelantan, 14 Ogos 1994)

English Translation
?The most suitable job for Tok Guru (religious teachers) is to teach (religion), not administer (the state government)?. (Dr Mahathir Mohamad in his speech at Pasir Mas, Kelantan, on 14 August 1994).

Comment 8
?Sukar dilaksanakan hukum syarak kerana masyarakat Malaysia bukan seratus peratus Islam?.
(Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, ucapannya di Pasir Mas, Kelantan, 14 Ogos 1994)

English Translation
?It is difficult to implement Islamic laws because (the population of) Malaysia is not 100 percent Muslims?. (Dr Mahathir Mohamad in his speech in Pasir Mas, Kelantan, on 14 August 1994).
Comment 9
?Kita (Kerajaan Pusat) akan ambil tindakan jika Kelantan meneruskan usaha melaksanakan hudud?.
(Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, ucapannya di Pasir Mas, Kelantan, 14 Ogos 1994)

English Translation
?We (the Federal government) will take action if Kelantan (state government) continues with its effort to implement Hudud (Islamic laws)?.
(Dr Mahathir Mohamad in his speech in Pasir Mas, Kelantan, on 14 August 1994).

Comment 10
?Melaksanakan hukum hudud sehingga melemahkan orang Islam sehingga menjadi masyarakat kucar kacir dan ditindas oleh orang lain tidaklah secucuk dengan ajaran Islam?. (Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, ucapannya di Pasir Mas, Kelantan, 14 Ogos 1994)

English Translation
?To implement Hudud (Islamic) laws until it weakens Muslims and until Muslims become a community in turmoil and is oppressed by others is not harmonious with Islamic teachings?. (Dr Mahathir Mohamad in his speech in Pasir Mas, Kelantan, on 14 August 1994).

Comment 11
?Bukan kerana dengan melaksanakan hukum hudud saja kita boleh menjadi Islam. Kita tengok banyak negara Islam yang tidak melaksanakan hukum hudud, tetapi tidak bermakna mereka tidak Islam?.
(Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, kenyataannya kepada wartawan, 30 April 1992)

English Translation
?It is not only because we implement Hudud (Islamic) laws that we become Muslims. We can see many Islamic nations that do not implement Hudud laws, however, this does not mean they are not Islamic?.
(Dr Mahathir Mohamad is his press interview on 30 April 1992).

Comment 12
?Perlaksanaaan hukum hudud boleh menyebabkan umat Islam menjadi mundur kerana tidak boleh bersaing dengan orang bukan Islam apabila orang Islam dipotong tangannya dan dilakukan hukum hudud yang lain, sedangkan orang bukan Islam tidak dikenakan?. (Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, temubualnya dengan wartawan, 18 Ogos 1991)

English Translation
?Implementing Hudud (Islamic) laws will make Muslims backward because we (Muslims) will not be able to compete with non-Muslims when Muslims? hands are cut off and (we are) subjected to other Hudud laws are, whereas non-Muslims are not subjected (to Hudud laws).
(Dr Mahathir Mohamad is his press interview on 18 August 1991).

Comment 13
?Jika mereka hendakkan sangat hukum hudud, mereka kenalah cuba hukum mereka sendiri atau mahkamah mereka sendiri. Mereka seronok nak potong tangan orang, seolah-olah jika tidak potong tangan, tidak Islam. Sekarang kita nak tengoklah mereka boleh buat atau tidak?. (Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, bercakap kepada wartawan, 24 April 1992)

English Translation
?If they want Hudud (Islamic) laws so much, they must try to convict themselves or their own courts. They delight in cutting other people?s hands, as if, if they do not cut hands they are not Muslims. Now we want to see whether they can do it or not?. (Dr Mahathir Mohamad in his press interview on 24 April 1992).

Comment 14
?Kerajaan Kelantan harus dipertanggungjawab jika berlaku huru hara, ketidakstabilan politik, perpecahan di kalangan umat Islam dan kegelisahan rakyat apabila hukum hudud dilaksanakan di negeri itu.rakyat harus menyoal perlaksaaan hukum itu menguntungkan atau menyebabkan perpecahan pertentangan dan ketidakstabilan politik. Tidak semua negara Islam mengamalkan hukum hudud, bahkan ada negara Islam lebih makmur tanpa hukum itu?. (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, bercakap kepada wartawan, 20 April 1992)

English Translation
?The Kelantan (state) government should be held responsible if chaos erupts, political instability, disunity amongst the Muslims and the people become distressed when Hudud (Islamic) laws are implemented in the state - the people should question whether the implementation of that law brings benefit or causes disunity, resistance and political instability. Not all Muslim nations practice Hudud laws, in fact Muslim countries are more affluent without that law?. (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in his press interview on 20 April 1992).

Comment 15
?PAS tidak akan dapat melaksanakan hukum itu kerana ia jelas bertentangan dengan perlembagaan Lord Reid?. (Syed Hamid Albar dalam satu wawancaranya dengan wartawan)

English Translation
?PAS (the opposition political party) cannot implement those laws (Islamic laws) because it contravenes Lord Reid?s Constitution (Malaysia?s Constitution was drawn up by Lord Reid)?. (Syed Hamid Albar in a press interview).

Comment 16
?Bagaimana kita boleh maju kalau orang Islam sudah tidak ada tangan dan kaki? Bagaimana mereka mahu bersaing dengan bangsa-bangsa lain, kalau sifatnya sudah tidak cukup? Hukum hudud tidak sesuai dilaksanakan di negara ini yang mempunyai rakyat berbilang kaum dan agama?.
(Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, ucapannya di Papar, Sabah, 2 Mei 1992)

English Translation
?How can we progress if Muslims have no more hands and legs? How can they compete with the other races if they are not perfect (no limbs)? Hudud (Islamic) laws are not suitable for implementation in this country that is multi-racial and multi-religious?. (dr Mahathir Mohamad in his speech in Papar, Sanah, on 2 May 1992).

Comment 17
?Sebarang undang-undang yang dilaksanakan di Malaysia sekarang yang selaras dengan undang-undang Islam boleh dianggap sebagai undang-undang Islam?.
(Datuk Dr. Yusuf Nor, temubualnya dengan Radio Tiga Ibu Kota, 6 Mac 1994)

English Translation
?Any laws that currently in force in Malaysia which comply to Islamic laws can be regarded as Islamic laws?. (Datuk Dr Yusuf Nor in his interview on Radio Tiga Ibu Kota on 6 March 1994).

Comment 18
?Jika semua urusan selesai dan kita puas hati sikap Israel, kita akan mengiktiraf negara itu?.
(Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, bercakap kepada wartawan, 15 Julai 1994

English Translation
?If all matters are resolved and we are satisfied with Israel?s attitude, we will recognise that nation?.
(Dr Mahathir Mohamad during a press interview on 15 July 1994).

Comment 19
?Nabi tidak mencukur janggutnya kerana dizaman beliau tiada Gillete?. (Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Mesyuarat Jawatan Kuasa Agama Kebangsaan 1998)

English Translation
?The Prophet (Muhammad) did not shave his beard because, during the Prophet?s time, there were no Gillete (shaving blades)?. (Dr Mahathir Mohamad during the National Religious Council Meeting in 1998).


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